We live in a patriarchal system. Whether it is to manage a family, a country or the world, we see in most of the cases men get the preference. If we look back to the great rulers of the world, who were responsible for managing the entire empire, we will find almost all of them are men. However, women mostly played the role of mother or caretaker. We also have an example where women have taken responsibilities and managed equally or slightly better than their men counterparts such as - Arundhati Bhattacharya, Nirmala Sitharaman, Kiran Mazumdar, Falguni Nayar and many others. Does that mean they are better managers than men?
No, it does not. Management is a skill that demands empathy, strong decision, leadership, responsible, thoughtfulness and many other skills. Anyone who possesses this set of skills justifies the position. Anyone who values his/her managerial position and is honestly upskilling themselves can be a good manager.
In this patriarchal world women have to struggle hard to achieve top leadership positions. Since childhood they are groomed to manage study, work and domestic chores parallely, hence, they are multitasking, organized and skilled in time management. Being emotional they are more empathetic which helps them understand the customers’ pain points better. Most of the females are raised with a lot of boundries and restrictions therefore they are more patient, good listeners, and dedicated.
This difference in upbringing makes women stronger, more dedicated and even shapes them with above mentioned managerial skills. Thus, there are many occasions where women have proven to be better managers. But equally serious, responsible, dedicated and hardworking men will perform equally good as their women counterparts. So, we can safely conclude that it is not gender but the skill set decides the better or the best manager.