Though humans are part of the animal kingdom, they are more evolved than other species and so they are superior on earth. The human race has evolved with their thoughts, communications, lifestyles and inventions. But with these advancements, they are also becoming part of a rat race losing their mental peace. They can experience poverty, enmity, jealousy, and many other feelings which are building a sophisticated ecosystem with a lot of negativities and pessimistic surroundings. In a way to be freer, the human race is losing its freedom. If I were not born of the human race then I would like to be a winged creature.
But shall I be a butterfly or an eagle? Butterflies are beautiful and they are loved by every individual. Their dynamic colours attract me and soothe my mind. Butterflies, being the symbol of a new beginning, are mostly harmless. Their life span is just a few weeks.
Whereas an eagle can live up to seventy-odd years. They are strong, powerful and great hunters. Their survival techniques are commendable. And we all know that in the rain eagles do not take shelter like other birds, instead they fly above the clouds.
If my heart goes with a butterfly then my mind goes with an eagle. So ultimately, I would love to come back to earth and even want to explore other places/ planets of this galaxy as a species which have mixed features of a butterfly and an eagle. I can have a physical appearance like a colourful butterfly, mostly with rainbow colours, and strength like an eagle who can fly high.