Monarchy is a system of government where we have one head. It is basically a reign passed to the next generation. Democracy is a form of government which is by the people and for the people.
Since in monarchy reign is passed from one generation to another there is no guarantee that the next generation will be as capable as the current king. In democracy every decision is debatable. People are free to question the rule or law made by the government.
If we look into India’s demographic, 1.3 Billion population follow one among over 6 religions. We claim unity in diversity. It may not be possible that one head will be able to empathize with all of these people.
One person may have an inclination over any one belief system or for any specific society because it is easy to influence a person. In a country like India we have two major political parties- NDA and Congress. One is always accused of favoring Hinduism and another one has received reign from the previous generation. Suppose if we select any one among them as our monarch ruler. One who favors hindu will always be alleged for favoritism and another one will be an example for intelligence and leadership that can't be passed on gene.
So we can safely conclude that democracy will be better for Indian society. It not only helps to uplift each and every society but also brings more freedom. It will help to maintain equilibrium in the country.